The official letter 12509/QLD-ĐK Amending way of writing indication of Glucosamine-containing medicines

The official letter 12509/QLD-ĐK
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The official letter 12509/QLD-ĐK Amending way of writing indication of Glucosamine-containing medicines




Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No.: 12509/QLD-ĐK

Re: Amending way of writing indication of Glucosamine-containing medicines

       Hanoi, 05 August 2013


  • Provincial/municipal Departments of Health;
  • Hospitals, institutes with beds belong to the Ministry of Health;
  • Applicants, manufacturers have drugs marketing in Vietnam.

After the official letter 6132/QLD-ĐK dated June 16, 2010 by Drug Administration of VN about way of writing indication, contra-indication and dosage of glucosamine-containing medicines and based on the conclusions of the advisory Board of the issuance of medicine registration numbers – Ministry of Health for indication of Glucosamine-containing medicines; to ensure objective for using drugs reasonably, safely and effectively, Drug Administration notify as follows:

  1. Amending way of writing indication of glucosamine-containing medicines in the official letter 6132/QLD-ĐK dated June 16, 2010 by Drug Administration of VN is “Relief the mild to moderate symptoms of knee osteoarthritis”. The content of writing guidelines contra-indication, dosage of the drug is uniformly applied as the official letter 6132/QLD-DK dated June 16, 2010 by Drug Administration of Vietnam.
  2. Suggest Provincial/municipal Departments of Health and hospitals, institutes with beds belong to Ministry of Health: inform medical units, companies on the local about the information related to indication of glucosamine at above item 1.
  3. Applicants, manufacturers:
    • For glucosamine-containing medicines have been licensed for marketing:
  • Within 3 months from the date of signing of this official letter. Request applicants, manufacturers to implement: edit the information of indication is “Relief the mild to moderate symptoms of knee osteoarthritis” in related parts of label, package insert and/or patient information leaflet.
  • Updated form: Submit variation/supplement dossier information on label, package insert and/or patient information leaflet following the instruction at Annex II – Circular 22/2009/TT-BYT dated 24/11/2009 of the Ministry of Health, guiding medicine registration.
    • For drug registration dossiers with glucosamine-containing ingredient pending approval at Drug Administration of Vietnam:
  • Drug Administration only considers grant registration numbers after applicants submitted variation/supplement documents of section indication as above mention at item 1 into related documents of dossier and satisfactory evaluation.

Drug Administration of Vietnam notifies units to know and implement.

  (signed and stamped) NGUYEN VAN THANH

The official letter 12509/QLD-ĐK Amending way of writing indication of Glucosamine-containing medicines

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