Danh mục các nguồn tra cứu thông tin thuốc miễn phí
Site | Address | Purchase |
1. Sources of evidence based guidelines | ||
1. National Guideline Clearinghouse (US) | Database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in partnership with the American Medical Association
www.guidelines.gov/index.asp |
Free |
2. WHO Guide to good prescribing-a practice manual | http://www.who.int/en/
www.med.rug.nl/pharma/ggp.htm |
Free |
3. Consensus psychiatric treatment guidelines | Collection of psych-related expert consensus guidelines
www.psychguides.com |
Free |
4. Druginfozone | UK drug information site. Includes info on new drugs, and some useful full-text publications, such as drug reviews, collection of links to independent evidence-based drug related reviews &guidelines, indexed in BNF categories
www.druginfozone.org |
Free |
5. HIV-AIDS Treatment Information Services | Guidelines for the management of HIV/AIDS
http://hivatis.org/ |
Free |
6.AIDSinfo – HIV-AIDS (US)
http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/ |
Free |
7. Guidelines from Australia
+ Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) http://www.allergy.org.au/
+ Australian Skeptics http://www.skeptics.com.au/ + Blood Services http://www.transfuse.com.au/ + Emergency Contraception (pw = Postinor) http://www.emergencycontraception.com.au/ + National Asthma Council http://www.nationalasthma.org.au/index.htm + National Heart Foundation http://www.heartfoundation.com.au/ + Wound Education and Research Group – VCP http://www.vcp.monash.edu.au/werg + eMJA_ Clinical Guidelines http://www.mja.com.au/public/guides/guides.html + NHMRC http://www.health.gov.au/nhmrc/ + Centre for Clinical Effectiveness – Monash http://www.med.monash.edu.au/healthservices/cce/ |
Free |
8. Guidelines from UK | + Bandolier Evidence Based Health Care http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/Bandolier/index.html
+ Evidence-Based On-Call (UK) http://www.eboncall.co.uk/ + Health Technology Assesment Programme (UK) http://www.hta.nhsweb.nhs.uk/ + ISABEL (UK paediatrics) http://www.isabel.org.uk/ + Intute (Uk) http://www.intute.ac.uk/ + Wounds – SMTL (Wales) http://www.smtl.co.uk/ + National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) http://www.nice.org.uk/nice-web/Cat.asp?pn=professional&cn=top level&ln=en + NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York (UK) (useful evidence-based medicine information) www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/ + National Prescribing Centre (UK) http://www.npc.co.uk/ + National electronic Library for Health (NeLH) http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/ + NeLH – Guidelines Finder http://rms.nelh.nhs.uk/guidelinesfinder/ + Prodigy Guidance List (UK) http://www.prodigy.nhs.uk/ + Scottish Medicines Consortium http://www.scottishmedicines.org.uk/ |
Free |
9. Guidelines from Canada | + CADTH (Canada) http://www.ccohta.ca/
+ Therapeutics Initiative Home Page http://www.ti.ubc.ca/index.html |
Free |
10. Guidelines from Newzealand | + New Zealand Guidelines Group (Library of evidence-based and consensus-based guidelines)www.nzgg.org.nz/library.cfm
+ Best Practice Advocay Centre (NZ) http://www.bpac.org.nz/default.asp?action=article&ID=3 |
Free |
11. BestBETs | http://www.bestbets.org/ | Free |
12. Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine | http://www.cebm.net/ | Free |
13. G-I-N – Guidelines International Network | http://www.g-i-n.net/ | Free |
14. GOLD – COPD | http://www.goldcopd.com/ | Free |
15. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) | http://www.ginasthma.com/ | Free |
16. HealthySkepticism (prev. MaLAM) | http://www.healthyskepticism.org/ | Free |
17. QTdrugs.org – Drug-Induced Arrhythmia Registry | http://www.qtdrugs.org | Free |
18. TOXINZ – Poisons Information | http://www.toxinz.com/ | Free |
19. TripDatabase | http://www.tripdatabase.com/ | Free |
Bandolier (Pain Research Group
Oxford) |
Access provided by National Library for Health (England), Health of Wales Information Service & e-Library (Scotland)
www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier OR via www.library.nhs.uk OR www.wales.nhs.uk OR http://howis.wales.nhs.uk OR www.elib.scot.nhs.uk |
Free |
MeReC Publications | National Prescribing Centre
www.npc.co.uk/merec.htm |
Free |
Clinical Knowledge Service (incorporating Prodigy) | The Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics at Newcastle (SCHIN)
www.cks.library.nhs.uk/ OR via www.library.nhs.uk |
Free |
SIGN – Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network | SIGN
www.sign.ac.uk |
Free |
WeMeRec Bulletins | Welsh Medicines Resource Centre
www.wemerec.org |
Free |
HTA assessments(National Coordinating Centre for HTA) | Many of these evaluations inform NICE guidance
www.ncchta.org/ |
Free |
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination | University of York
www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/ |
Free |
2. General information | ||
Epocrates Online | Prescription drug information for over 3,500 brand and generic drugs is available on the web and thousands of topics on diseases and conditions with evidence-based content
https://online.epocrates.com/rxmain.jsp |
Purchase |
Rxlist | Providing medications and prescription drug information for consumers and medical health professionals, list of most popular drugs with a lot of relevant information.
http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/hp.asp |
Free |
BioSpace | http://www.biospace.com/ | Free limited information |
Australia webs | + Clinicians Health Channel http://www.health.vic.gov.au/clinicians
+ IP (Intellectual Property) Australia http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/index.html + MED-E-SERV http://www.medeserv.com.au/ + National Prescribing Curriculum http://nps.unisa.edu.au/new/index.htm/ + National Prescribing Service http://www.nps.org.au/ +PBSgeneral http://www.health.gov.au/pbs + PBS schedule http://www.pbs.gov.au + SHPA http://www.shpa.org.au/docs/about.html |
Free |
DermIS (Dermatology info.) | http://www.dermis.net/ | Free limited information |
UK webs | + Medical dictionary http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/omd/
+ UK Medicines Information http://www.ukmi.nhs.uk/ |
Free limited information |
Pathology Manual – RCPA | http://www.rcpamanual.edu.au/ | Free limited information |
PharmWeb | http://www.pharmweb.net | Free limited information |
Statistics – ‘A New View of Statistics’ | http://www.sportsci.org/resource/stats/index.html | Free limited information |
Drug Tariff | Paper and online available (The Stationery Office ) (monthly)
www.ppa.org.uk/ppa/edt_intro.htm |
Free |
electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) | Publisher DataPharm Communications
http://emc.medicines.org.uk/. |
Free |
Monthly Index of Medical Specialities |
Username and password required. NB. Access free to MICs – contact regional centre for details.
www.emims.net |
Free |
OTC Directory(Proprietary Association of Great Britain) | Available in searchable form. Use website drop down and selection criteria to access.
www.medicinechestonline.co.uk. |
Free |
NLH -National Library for Health | Athens password required for some resources (England) For information about drugs, search the “Medicines” section. Searching the whole site will reveal lots of irrelevant material
www.library.nhs.uk |
Free |
Netdoctor(Collaboration of UK and European healthcare professionals) | www.netdoctor.co.uk
www.netdoctor.co.uk/medicines/ |
DoH – Department of Health | www.dh.gov.uk | Free |
NHSD Medicines Q&As and NHSD Medicines factsheets | http://nww.intranet.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=4261 | Free |
MHRA – Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Agency | www.mhra.gov.uk | Free |
Google search engine | Google scholar for more academic focus
http://scholar.google.co.uk/ |
Free |
3. Drug information registration authorities | ||
1.European Medicines Agency (EMA formerly EMEA) | www.ema.europa.eu | Free |
2.Electronic Medicines Compendium | Full-text- UK data sheets (manufacturers’ approved product information)
www.emc.vhn.net/professional |
Free |
3.US Food and Drug administration (FDA) | www.fda.gov/default.htm | Free |
4.Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA – Australia) | www.tga.gov.au/
Free |
5.National Patient Safety Agency(NPSA) | http://www.npsa.nhs.uk/ | Free |
6.Cục Quản lý dược Việt Nam (DAV) | www.dav.gov.vn | Free |
IV Guide (Health of Wales Information Service) | NB. Currently only available free to contributing Trusts, all Trusts in Wales & N Ireland. However, this may form the basis of an IV guide freely available throughout the NHS produced by a partnership between Imperial Trust and UKMi.
http://medusa.wales.nhs.uk or http://www.injguide.nhs.uk. |
Free |
4. Some national pharmacovigilance centre websites | ||
1. New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Center
2. National Pharmacovigilance Center, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3. Center for Pharmacovigilance, University of Ghana Medical School 4. National Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting System, Taiwan 5. Therapeutic Information and Pharmacovigilance Center |
http://www.sfda.gov.sa/En/Drug/Topics/National+Pharmacovigilance+Center/ http://www.pharmacovigilanceafrica.org/ http://adr.doh.gov.tw/ADR-eng/index.htm http://www.nmrc.com.na/TIPC/tabid/1339/language/en-US/Default.aspx
Free |
5. Professional Organizations | ||
American College of Clinical Pharmacy | www.accp.com | Free |
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists | www.ascp.com | Free |
American Society of Heath-system Pharmacists | www.ashp.org | Free |
European Society of Clinial Pharmacy | www.escp.nl | Free |
Institute for Safe Medication Practices | Information on medication errors and safety issues (USA)
www.ismp.org/ |
Free |
Medical Lobby for Appropriate Marketing | Full-text newsletter. (non-profit organization which aims to defend appropriate scientific medical care from maketing practices which may be detrimental to health)
www.camtech.net.au/malam |
Free |
Society of Hospital Pharmacist of Australia | www.shpa.org.au | Free |
Royal Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain | www.rpsgb.org.uk | Free |
UK drug Information Pharmacists’ Group | Includes a ‘guide to the internet for drug information pharmacists’, a database of drugs in clinical trial, and a good list of DI-related links.
www.ukdipg.org.uk |
Free |
International Network for Rational use of Drugs (INRUD) | INRUD Newsletter, research, training workshops.etc
www.msh.org/inrud/index.html |
Free |
International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publication (INSAP) | A co-operative network aiming to improve world-wide access to imformation and to enhance the flow of information within and between countries, especially those with less developed systems of publication and dissemination. Contains useful resources, links to relevant sites, and an email discussion group.
www.inasp.org.uk/health |
Free |
Internet health resources | Large collection of links to relevant web sites(maintained by Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia)
www.sph.health.latrobe.edu.au/Resources |
Free |
E-drug dicussion group | E-mail discussion group regarding essential drug programs and related issues.
www.healthnet.org/programs/edrug.htm |
Free |
Pharmweb | Discussion groups-DrugMed, Hospital AU, etc useful list of links to other relevant sites
www.pharmeb.net |
Free |
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy | Full-text medical textbook
www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual |
Free |
WHO-essential Drugs and Medicines | WHO Essential drugs and medicines policy. Includes the essential drugs list, and other useful information and publications.
www.who.int/medicines |
Free |
6. Medical information databases | ||
1. EMBASE | The EMBASE database is a member of the EMBASE family that consists of three separate databases: the Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE), EMBASE Drugs and Pharmacology (EMDP), and EMBASE Psychiatry (EMPS)
http://www.library.nhs.uk/help/resource/embase |
Free limited information |
2. Medline/Pubmed (national Library of Medicine – ‘Pubmed’ or ‘Grateful Med’) | Free medline (includes pre-Medline).
Nb. Grateful Med also allows access to other databases including Aidsline, Oldmedline, Toxline, HealthStar, etc. www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/freemadl.html |
Free limited information |
3.Medscape Drug Ifo | Full-text drug information database, including American Hospital Formulary System Drug information (AHFS DI) (may need to register to get password at no cost)
www.medscape.com/druginfo |
Free limited information |
4.Australian Prescription Products Guide | Full-text-Australian manufacturers approved product information
www.appco.com.au/appguide |
Free limited information |
5.Micromedex Healthcare Series | Evidence based information includes all the unbiased, referenced information about drugs, toxicology, diseases, acute care, and alternative medicine you need to make informed clinical diagnosis and treatment decisio Separate tabs for high-usage tools – including a calculators tab with 22 separate dosing, laboratory value, antidote, and measurement
calculators, and tabs for Trissel’s™ 2 IV compatibility, drug identification with images, and comprehensive drug interaction checking. www.thomsonhc.com |
Purchase |
6.Medicines Complete | Search online: AHFS, Martindale, BNF, Stocley’s Drug interactions, Handbook on Injectable Drugs, Pharmaceutical expcipients, Dietary Supplements…
www.medicinescomplete.com |
Purchase |
7. The Cochrane library | The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases in medicine and other healthcare specialties. At its core is the collection of Cochrane Reviews, a database of systematic reviews and meta-analyses which summarize and interpret the results of medical research. It is a key resource in evidence-based medicine
www.cochrance.org/cochrance/cdsr.htm |
Abstract only |
8. The Programme for Access to Health Research (HINARI) | This provides free or very low cost online access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences to local, with some 1500 journals from 6 major publishers: Blackwell, Elsevier Science, the Harcourt Worldwide STM Group, Wolters Kluwer International Health & Science, Springer Verlag and John Wiley
http://www.who.int/hinari/en/ |
Free |
9.CancerNet (National Cancer institute, USA) | PDQ-full text database of peer-reviewed summaries on cancer treatment, screening, prevention, etc.
Cancerlit – searchable bibliographic database of journal papers, conference proceedings, etc. www.cancernet.nci.nih.gov/index.html |
Free |
10.Clinical Pharmacology | Full-text-Drug monographs (detailed, referenced, and includes non-approved indications), drug interactions, IV drug compatibility
www.cp.gsm.com |
Free limited information |
11. Iowa Drug Information Service (IDIS) | Articles for the IDIS database cover a wide range of topics. Among the areas covered are pharmacy and pharmacology, general and internal medicine, infectious disease and immunology, transplant, cardiovascular, rheumatology, microbiology, geriatrics, and endocrinology.
http://www.uiowa.edu/~idis/idistday.htm |
Registration |
7. Journals and periodicals | ||
1. American Journal of Health – System Pharmacy | It publishes peer reviewed scientific papers on contemporary drug therapy and pharmacy practice innovations in hospitals and health systems.
www.ajhp.org/ |
Purchase |
2.Annals of Pharmacotherapy | Independent, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement ofpharmacotherapy.
www.theannals.com/ |
Purchase |
3.British Medical Journal (BMJ) | BMJ is a partially open access medical journal. It is among the most influential and widely read peer-reviewed general scientific journals in the field of medicine in the world.
http://group.bmj.com/products/journals/ |
Purchase |
4.Archives of Internal Medicine | This is an international peer-reviewed journal published 22 times per year and reaches the majority of office- and hospital-based general internists and significant numbers of internal medicine subspecialists in the United States
http://archinte.ama-assn.org/ |
Purchase |
5.Clinical Pharmacokinetics | This is the major review journal in the area of clinical pharmacokinetics covered the areas of: Clinical pharmacokinetics and relevant pharmacodynamics of single drugs and drug classes, Pharmacokinetic principles behind the effective drug treatment of specific diseases, Application of therapeutic drug monitoring to optimize therapy, Safe use of drugs in particular patient populations…
http://adisonline.com/pharmacokinetics/Pages/default.aspx |
Purchase |
6.Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | http://www.nature.com/clpt/index.html | Free limited information |
7.Clinical evidence | Clinical Evidence systematic reviews summarise the current state of knowledge and uncertainty about the prevention and treatment of clinical conditions, based on thorough searches and appraisal of the literature.It describes the best available evidence from systematic reviews, RCTs, and observational studies where appropriate, and if there is no good evidence it says so. Online journal BMJ Publishing Group
http://clinicalevidence.bmj.com/ceweb/index.jsp |
8.Drugs | The definitive guide to optimizing drug therapyA journal of drugs and therapeutics, providing independent and crucial information authored by leading international clinicians and researchers, Ensuring content of the highest quality to support clinical decision-making.
http://adisonline.com/drugs/Pages/default.aspx |
9.Drug safety (monthly)
3 issues per year |
Publisher: Adis International
http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/adis/dsf/2010/00000033/00000006 |
Purchase |
10.Formulary | Formulary is a peer-reviewed journal that provides timely, accurate, and practical drug-related information to assist our readers in their drug management responsibilities—evaluating drugs for the formulary and developing policies and procedures to guide the appropriate, rational, safe, and cost-effective use of drugs.
http://formularyjournal.modernmedicine.com/ |
Free |
11.Hospital Pharmacy | Hospital Pharmacy a peer-reviewed, independent, clinician oriented journal for hospital and health system pharmacists
http://www.thomasland.com/hospitalpharmacy.html |
Free in limited degree |
12.Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics | This is an independent, peer-reviewed, nonprofit publication that offers unbiased critical evaluations of drugs, with special emphasis on new drugs, to physicians and other members of the health professions. It evaluates virtually all new drugs and reviews older drugs when important new information becomes available on their usefulness or adverse effects
http://www.medletter.com/ |
Free limited information |
13.New England Journal of Medicine (NEMJ) | This is a weekly general medical journal that publishes new medical research findings, review articles, and editorial recommendation covered most of specific pharmacy areas
http://content.nejm.org/ |
Free limited information |
14.Pharmaceutical Journal | Full-text (plus hospital Pharmacy-full-text, and International Journal of Pharmacy Practice – abstracts only)
www.pharmj.com |
Purchase |
15.Pharmacotherapy | Abstracts only (journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy)
www.accp.com |
Purchase |
16.Pharmacy Times | http://www.pharmacytimes.com/ | Purchase |
17.The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) | Full-text
www.jama.ama-assn.org |
Purchase |
18.The Lancet (The Lancet Group Publishing) | Full-text
www.thelancet.com |
Purchase |
19.US Pharmacist | Full-text
www.uspharmacist.com |
Purchase |
Elsevier | Elsevier develops online information solutions that help professionals achieve better outcomes. We publish around 2,000 journals and close to 20,000 books and major reference works.
Purchase |
Wiley InterSciences | http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/home | Purchase |
ScienceDirect Jounal | http://www.sciencedirect.com/ | Purchase |
ProQuest 5000 International | Covering over 5,500 journals and comprising sixteen smaller databases, it provides articles from many of the best digital databases, including ABI/INFORMGlobal, Pharmaceutical News Index
http://www.proquest.co.uk/en-UK/ |
Purchase |
SpringerLink online jounal achives | http://www.springerlink.com/ | Purchase |
Ovid (a part of Wolters Kluwer Health) | Ovid offers : more than 3,000 ebooks, over 1,200 premium, peer-reviewed journals- with no embargoes! Plus 50 journal collections, including archive collections and packages based on publisher or subject, over 100 bibliographic and full-text databases
http://www.ovid.com/site/catalog/Journal/311.jsp |
Purchase |
8. Adverse effects | ||
INCHEM | Toxicology information on chemicals and drugs.
(International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) www.inchem.org/. |
Free |
TOXNET (US National Library Medicine) | Toxicology information including pregnancy related toxicity information. Also links to LactMed (see below) for drugs in lactation information.
http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/. |
Free |
CHM (previously CSM) -Commission on Human Medicines | Current Problems in Pharmacovigilance’ was superseded by Drug Safety Update in July 2007(CHM/MHRA).
www.mhra.gov.uk/home/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=863 ‘ |
Free |
Drug Analysis Prints (DAPs) for Yellow Card dataCHM/MHRA | www.mhra.gov.uk/home/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=741 | Free |
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) | Drug Abuse Resistance Education is an international education program that seeks to prevent use of controlled drugs. D.A.R.E is a demand-side drug control strategy of the U.S. War on Drugs
www.dare.com/ |
Free |
Current Drug Safety
Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers |
Current Drug Safety publishes frontier reviews on all the latest advances on drug safety: adverse effects of individual drugs and drug classes, management of adverse effects, pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology of new and existing drugs, post-marketing surveillance.
http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/cds |
Purchase |
9. Availability | ||
Solutions (UCLH NHS Trust) | Registration required.
Free |
IDIS World Medicines | www.idispharma.com | Free |
Durbin PLC | www.durbin.co.uk | Free |
Pro-file Database (Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Trust) | Sourcing unlicensed ‘special’ medicinal products. Registration required.
www.pro-file.nhs.uk. |
Free |
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (PaSA) – Pharmaceuticals | www.pasa.nhs.uk/PASAWeb |
Free |
10. Contraception and Hormone Replacement Therapy | ||
IPPF Directory of Hormonal Contraceptives (International Planned Parenthood Federation) | Registration required. Recommended and used by the RPSGB Information Service to identify foreign contraceptive pills.
http://contraceptive.ippf.org |
Free |
Family Planning Association | www.fpa.org.uk | Free |
Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Healthcare (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) | Useful guidelines including choice of a contraceptive agent at different ages, in breast feeding, inflammatory bowel disease, interactions, missed pills and using pills outside their product licence, EHC and product reviews.
www.ffprhc.org.uk/. |
Free |
11. Dictionaries | ||
Medical Dictionary accessible via the NLH | www.library.nhs.uk. A very good example of an online dictionary. Any equivalent is acceptable for QA purposes. | Free |
12. Drug abuse | ||
Drug Misuse and Dependence – Guidelines on Clinical Management (The Orange Guide) | Publisher: DoH (England, Wales, Scotland & NI)
http://www.nta.nhs.uk/areas/Clinical_guidance/clinical_guidelines/docs/clinical_guidelines_2007.pdf |
Free |
DrugScope | www.drugscope.org.uk | Free |
National Institute on Drug Abuse | www.nida.nih.gov | Free |
Talk to Frank | Publisher: DoH / Home Office
www.talktoFrank.com |
13. Drug interactions | ||
HIV Drug Interactions | The University of Liverpool
www.hiv-druginteractions.org |
Free |
Cytochrome P450 website | Indiana University
http://medicine.iupui.edu/flockhart/ |
Free |
Medscape drug interaction checker | Registration and ‘flash plug in’ software required
http://www.medscape.com/druginfo/druginterchecker |
Free |
14. Infections | ||
The Green Book
Immunisation Against Infectious Disease |
http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Policyandguidance/Healthandsocialcaretopics/Greenbook/DH_4097254 | Free |
NHS Immunisation Information | www.immunisation.nhs.uk | Free |
HPA – Health Protection Agency | www.hpa.org.uk | Free |
15. Legal and ethical | ||
Medicines, Ethics and Practice: A guide for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians July 2007 | Paper copy circulated with Pharmaceutical Journal annually ( RPSGB)
Free |
16. New products and information for patients | ||
New Drugs OnlineUKMi |
Registration required (free). It is recommended that you register for ‘Plans and budgets’ access to obtain the maximum level of information.
http://www.ukmi.nhs.uk/applications/NDO/ |
Free |
Pre-launch reviewsNPC/UKMi | Registration required. Is in ‘New Drugs’ section which is not visible unless logged on.
www.nelm.nhs.uk. |
Free |
National horizon scanning centre
http://www.pcpoh.bham.ac.uk/publichealth/horizon/outputs/technology.shtml |
Free | |
Post-launch reviews | UKMi
www.nelm.nhs.uk |
Free |
Patents Database Online | UKMi username and password required
www.ukmi.nhs.uk/med_info/patent.asp |
Free |
Prescribing OutlookUKMi | Registration is required to access this. It is in Evidence/ horizon scanning.
www.nelm.nhs.uk |
Free |
Scottish medicines Consortium (SMC) reviews | www.scottishmedicines.org.uk/ | Free |
NHS Direct Online | www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk | Free |
Patient UK | Primary resource for NHS Direct (Patient Information Publications / Egton Medical Information Systems)
www.patient.co.uk. |
Free |
Medicines Guides(Datapharm Communications) | http://medguides.medicines.org.uk/ | Free |
Patient UK (Patient Information Publications / Egton Medical Information Systems) | After putting a term in the search box you will have a list of resources to choose from. Those with an apple and a plus sign are written for healthcare professionals and are an excellent resource with the following general headings: presentation, diagnosis, aetiology, epidemiology, assessment, management etc.
www.patient.co.uk |
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment | Online access acceptable for QA purposes: Paper copy 18th edition (2006) can also be purchased for £33. (Berkow, R et al Merck and Co)
www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/home.jsp. |
. |
17. Paediatrics | ||
BNF for Children 2009 | http://bnfc.org/bnfc/. | Free |
DIAL (Royal Liverpool Children’s NHS Trust) | Registration required.
www.dial.org.uk |
Free |
18. Palliative care | ||
Palliativedrugs.com (Robert Twycross & Andrew Wilcock) | Includes access to Palliative Care Formulary. Registration required.
www.palliativedrugs.com |
Free |
Palliative Care Matters (Network of Palliative Care healthcare professionals) | Useful links to
+ syringe driver compatibilities www.pallcare.info/mod.php?mod=sdrivers&menu=14 + Palliative Medicine Handbook (full text) http://book.pallcare.info/ which include an opioid dose converter calculator http://book.pallcare.info/index.php?op=plugin&src=opiconv http://www.pallcare.info/ |
. Free |
19. Pharmaceutical database | ||
The Fridge Database | UKMi username and password required
www.ukmi.nhs.uk/Secure/Fridge/Index.asp |
Free |
Latex Content Database | UKMi username and password required ( Grimble K, Queens Medical Centre Nottingham / UKMi)
www.ukmicentral.nhs.uk/secure/l1/latex_database/default.asp |
Free |
Patents Database(UKMi) | www.ukmicentral.nhs.uk/pressupp/patents/default.asp | Free |
20. Pregnancy and lactation | ||
TOXBASE (NTIS*National Poisons Information Service) | *Pregnancy information only, registration required.
http://www.toxbase.org/ |
Free |
Drugs in Lactation | Guidance & Quick Reference Guide (UKMi)
www.ukmicentral.nhs.uk/drugpreg/guide.htm |
Free |
LactMed (US National Library of Medicine) | See Ann Pharmacother 2007; 41: 1352-60 for review of sources of information on drugs in breast feeding.
http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?LACT. |
Free |
Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | A range of guidelines on women’s health is available.
http://www.rcog.org.uk/index.asp?PageID=8 |
Free |
Lactation (UK MI) | http://www.ukmicentral.nhs.uk/drugpreg/guide.htm | |
Pregnancy Australian categories | http://www.tga.gov.au/docs/html/medpreg.htm | |
21. Renal | ||
CKD Insights (Genzyme Renal Support Services) | Gives access to ‘Dialysis of Drugs’. This is an American text produced by an expert in nephrology pharmacy. It is updated annually and provides information on the dialysability of drugs in patients receiving hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
http://www.ckdinsights.com |
Free |
22. Statistics | ||
Statistics in Divided Doses | Publisher: North West MIC (UKMi)
www.ukmi.nhs.uk/activities/Research/default.asp?pageRef=27 |
Free |
23. Travel | ||
Malaria Reference Laboratory (HPA) | www.malaria-reference.co.uk | Free |
NPA Malaria Prophylaxis and Travel vaccine information | Users must be logged into the NeLM website to access these (National Pharmaceutical Association)
travel vaccines malaria prophylaxis |
Free |
National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC)DoH | http://www.nathnac.org/. Also link to www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk | Free |
Health Advice for Travellers DoH | http://www.nhs.uk/Healthcareabroad/Pages/Healthcareabroad.aspx | Free |
Fit for Travel | Public access site Provide by NHS Scotland, compiled by Travel Health division at Health Protection Scotland (HPS)…
www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk |
Free |
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